Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy your time; today I'm gonna talk about Orib platform's targets and approaches. As a part of our activities will be run internationally, this video and some other videos will be presented in English. Well, as can be realized from our page's activities, we're the holder of architecture competitions that up to now we have held a national period. Presently, we're holding the second one. Orib,s competitions are a practice for rethinking and revising about architecture from another angle to be able to discover new aspects as many as designers who have gotten themselves involved in the competitions. What's more, we provide a prize for winners. To do so not only architecture conception will be improved but also creative and talented designers will be recognized and encouraged. Above all, Orib's eventual mission is to show how designs and designers can improve the quality of human lives who have benefited less than others because of contextual and environmental sho

ماموریت اریب وحید صدرایی اریب مسابقه طراحی

1 سال پیش در دسته بندی آموزشی مدت زمان 01:37